Our objective is to create a network of themes and ideas and learning through your stories. The collection of narratives highlight the key turning points, the major challenges to be overcome, as well as celebrating the Silver Linings, the answers that emerged even through our failures.
Featured Story
From fatalism to hope in emergency response; A story from our Ebola response work.
Abiy Seifu:​
Back in early March 2020, before the coronavirus had reached pandemic proportions, I was in Liberia to continue the work of Episcopal Relief & Development with faith leaders. When I arrived at our meeting I found my colleagues had already set up a system for hand washing and social distancing. How had they been able to respond so quickly and positively? The Liberians had learned the hard way, through the 2014/5 Ebola epidemic. This story is of the lessons we carry from that time as we respond to this current crisis. Read More >
Story Tellers
Our Story of Learning for Change: Experiences from the emergency response in Liberia. As told by Chiseche Salome Mibenge & Abiy Seifu - Episcopal Relief & Development,

Chiseche Salome Mibenge

Abiy Seifu
Other Stories

Smiling Through the Storm
The Mama Ambassador Program (MAP), the focus of the video story draws upon the combined skills and contribution of very many skills and passions.

Navigating from Uncertainty to Certainty
The Mama Ambassador Program (MAP), the focus of the video story draws upon the combined skills and contribution of very many skills and passions.